APPRATUS : CAT 5 cables
Cable clips
Two computers with a
working NIC
Crimp tool
Blade and a scissor
1. The
cable was skinned off approximately 3 cm from jacket or slightly more.
2. Each
pair was Un-twisted, and each wire was straightened between the fingers.
3. The
wires were placed in the order of one of the two diagrams shown below (568B or
568A). All of the wires were brought together, until they were touched.
4. The
wiring sequences were rechecked with the diagram, at this point.
5. The
grouped (and sorted) wires were hold together tightly, between the thumb, and
the forefinger.
6. All
of the wires were cut at a perfect 90 degree angle from the cable at 1.5 cm
from the end of the cable jacket. This was a very critical step. If the wires
were not cut straight, they may not all make contact. A pair of scissors was
used for this purpose.
7. Conductors
should be at a straight 90 degree angle, and be 1.5 cm long, prior to insertion
into the connector.
8. The
wires were inserted into the connector, prior to insert the connector was
turned pins facing up.
9. All
of the wires were pushed moderately hard to assure that they have reached at
the end of the connector. Assured that the cable jacket goes into the back of
the connector by about 4mm.
10. The
connector was place into a crimp tool, and squeezed hard so that the handle
reaches its full swing.
11. The
process was repeated on the other end. For a straight through cable, the same
wiring was used. For a
"crossover" cable, wire one end 568A, and the other end 568B.
12. Two
straight cables and one cross cable were completed.
1. The
power was turned “ON” on two PCs.
2. One
cross cable was taken and firmly inserted to the Ethernet port of one PC then
other side to the other PC.
3. If
all connections were ok network interface cards became active.
4. Two
separate IP numbers were set on TCP/IP properties dialog boxes on each
computers then “apply” button was clicked.
5. My
network places window was opened and the name of the other computer can be
6. Some
files on both computers were shared and
then accessed through other computer.
A hub was taken and power was supplied.
A cross cable was connected across the wall
outlet and the hub, flashing LEDs indicates that the hub is activating and
sharing its information.
Two straight cables were connected across the
hub and two PCs.
TCP/IP properties window was opened on both computers
and, obtain IP address automatically was selected to obtain IP address through
a DHCP server.
If needed DNS addresses can be assigned to
connect internet via an ISP.
Some test files were shared among computers to
demonstrate the file sharing.
There is a
distinction made between networking and internetworking. Networking is the
process and methodology applied to connecting multiple computers so that they
are able to exchange information. Internetworking is the process and
methodology applied to connecting multiple networks, regardless of their
physical topologies and distance. Internetworking has evolved with the rapid
growth and change in networking. Because of this, the basic building blocks and
reference models for networking are also used and applied to internetworking.
evolved from necessity. In the early days of computing (the 1950s and 1960s),
internetworks did not exist. Computers were autonomous and proprietary. In the
late 1960s, however, the United States Department of Defense (DOD) became
interested in academic research being done on a packet-switched wide area
network design. "Packet" referred to a small bundle of data.
"Switched" referred to the use of a routing system similar to the
switch-based telephone system. And "wide area network" (WAN) meant
that the network would extend over sites that were physically distant from each
Challenges involving in internetworking
are mainly two;
They are
Interconnectivity the means of
transporting information between the computers, inclusive of the physical
media, the data packaging mechanism, and the routing between multiple network
equipment pieces from the starting node until reaching the destination node.
the methodology applied to make data understandable to computers that use
proprietary or simply different computer operating systems and languages.
Networks did not become prevalent
in corporations until the 1980s when the personal computer (PC) became popular.
After companies realized that sharing hard disk space on some of the earliest
file servers enabled employees to share data easily and further boosted
productivity, they implemented networks on a large scale. They created LANs
(Local Area Networks) and then connected them into WANs (Wide Area Networks).
After the Internet went commercial in the early 1990's, corporations began to
connect to it as well.
The International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) created the OSI model and released it in 1984 in
order to provide a network model for vendors such that their products would
interoperate on networks. The OSI reference model provides a hierarchical tool
for understanding networking technology, as well as a basis for current and
future network developments.
This model also takes into
account the interconnectivity and interoperability challenges faced by the
DARPA project engineers. The way that the OSI model answered these challenges
was through a seven-layer protocol suite model, illustrated in Figure 1-1. By
dividing the model into layers, the capability to interoperate and interconnect
became manageable, since each layer was self-contained, not relying on the
operating system or other factors. The layered approach benefited vendors, too,
since they only needed to concentrate development efforts on the layers that
their own product used, and could rely on the existing protocols at other
layers. Not only are development costs kept to a minimum, but marketability is
increased, since the product works with other vendors' products.
The model describes how each
layer communicates with a corresponding layer on the other node. At the first
node, the end user creates some data to be sent to the other node, such as an
e-mail. At the application layer, an application header is added to the data.
The presentation layer adds its own header to the data received from the
application layer. Each layer adds its own header to the data received from the
layer above. However, at lower layers, the data is broken up into smaller units
and headers added to each of the units. For instance, the transport layer will
have smaller datagram, the network layer will have packets, and the data link
layer will have frames. The physical layer handles the data in a raw bit
stream. When this bit stream is received at the destination, the data is
reassembled at each layer, and the headers of each layer discarded, until the
e-mail is readable by the end user.
The physical layer, or layer 1,
defines the actual mechanical specifications and electrical data bit stream.
This includes the voltage level, the voltage changes, and the definition of
which voltage level is a "1" and which is a "0." The data
rate of transmission, the maximum distances and even physical connectors are
all included in this level.
The data link layer, or layer 2,
is also known as the link layer. It consists of two sub layers, the upper level
being the Logical Link Control (LLC), and the lower level being the Media
Access Control (MAC). Hardware addresses are actually MAC addresses in the data
link layer. The physical address is placed here, since the physical layer
handles only raw bit stream functions. The data is broken into small
"frames" at this layer.
The physical and data link layers
are usually implemented together in hardware/software combination solutions.
Examples include hubs, switches and network adapters, and their applicable
software drivers, as well as the media or cables used to connect the network
nodes. The remaining layers are usually implemented in software only.
The data link layer consists of
two sub layers: Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control (MAC). The
MAC sub layer determines the address for the hardware at that layer. This
address is network independent, such that wherever the hardware is
"plugged in" to the internetwork, it would have the same MAC address,
regardless of the network address. The vendor usually assigns the MAC address.
In the Ethernet scheme, a series of Ethernet MAC addresses are assigned to a
vendor, who then assigns a different address to each interface produced. An
Ethernet MAC address consists of 12 digits. The first six digits (the
Organizationally Unique Identifier or OUI) are the unique number assigned to
the vendor by the IEEE, and the remaining six digits are the series. As a
result, each network interface card will have a different MAC address on any
given LAN or WAN.
Networking itself is the capability
to share data between two nodes. Being able to simply locate the nodes on the
network is one of the most basic and important functions in networking. The
network layer not only provides a unique node address, but also a unique
network address. This enables the routing of data between networks.
Layer 3, or the network layer, is
where addressing is most important. When applying the OSI reference model to
the IP protocol suite, IP (Internet Protocol) would be at layer 3. The IP
addressing scheme determines the network that a node is on and the logical node
address on the network. The logical node address is often the same as the MAC address in other protocols, although it is not
in IP. This is dealt with on the lower data link layer (layer 2). Note that in
Novell IPX, for instance, the MAC address is used for the network-layer node
address without modification.
A network layer address is also
called a logical address or software address. Network layer
addresses are hierarchical, and provide both the network and the node address.
A router can easily separate the addresses to be sent on a particular interface
by simply looking at the initial network portion of the address-the network
address. When the packet reaches the destination network, the node address
portion is used to locate the specific station.
Certain addresses in the IP
address space have been reserved for special purposes, and are not normally
allowed as host addresses. The rules for these reserved addresses are as
The network address portion of an IP address
can not be set to "all binary ones" or "all binary
The subnet portion of an IP address can not be
set to "all binary ones" or "all binary zeros"
The host address portion of an IP address can
not be set to "all binary ones" or
"all binary zeros"
The network 127.x.x.x can not be used as a
network address
Network Addresses
When all the bits in the host
portion of an IP address are set to zero, it indicates the network, rather than
a specific host on that network. These types of entries are often found in
routing tables, since routers control traffic between networks, not individual
In a subnetted network, setting
the host bits to zero would indicate the specific subnet. Also, the bits
allocated for the subnet may not be all zeros, since this would refer to the
network address of the parent network.
Lastly, the network bits cannot
be all zeros, since zero is not an allowed network address, and is used to
indicate an "unknown network or address".
Loopback Address
The network address 127.x.x.x has
been designated as a local loopback address. The purpose of this address is to
provide a test of the local host's network configuration. Using this address
provides an internal loopback test of the protocol stack, as opposed to using
the host's actual IP address, which would require a network connection.
Local Broadcast
When all the bits in an IP
address are set to ones, the resulting address,, is used to
send a broadcast message to all hosts on the local network. This configuration
at the network-layer is mirrored by a corresponding hardware address that is
also all ones. Generally this hardware address will be seen as FFFFFFFFFFFF.
Routers do not usually pass these types of broadcasts unless specifically
configured to do so.
All-Hosts Broadcast
If we set all the host bits in an
IP address to ones, this will be interpreted as a broadcast to all hosts on
that network. This is also called a directed
broadcast, and can be passed by a router if configured to do so. Sample
all-host broadcast addresses would look like or
All-Subnets Broadcast
Another type of directed
broadcast can be achieved by setting all the subnet address bits to ones. In
this case, a broadcast would be propagated to all subnets within a network.
All-subnets broadcasting are rarely implemented in routers.
The class of an IP address can be
determined by looking at the first (most significant) octet in the address. The
bit pattern associated with the highest-order bits determines the address
class. The bit patterns also define the range of decimal values for the octet
that are associated with each address class.
Class A
With a Class A address, eight
bits are allotted to the network address, and 24 bits to host addresses. If the
highest bit in the first octet is a zero (0), the address is a Class A address.
This corresponds to possible octet values of 0-127. Of these, both zero and 127
have reserved functions, so the actual range is 1-126. There are only 126
possible networks that are Class A, since only eight bits are reserved for the
network address, and the first bit must be a zero. However, with 24 bits
available for host numbers, each network can have 16,777,213 hosts.
Class B
With a Class B address, 16 bits
are allotted to the network address, and 16 bits to host addresses. A Class B
address is characterized by a bit pattern of 10 at the beginning of the first
octet. This corresponds to values from 128-191. Since the first two bits are
pre-defined, there are actually 14 bits available for unique network address,
so the possible combinations yield 16,383 networks, with each network
accommodating 65,533 hosts.
Class C
Class C addresses allocate 24
bits to the network address, leaving 8 bits for host addresses. A Class C address
will have a bit pattern of 110 leading the first octet, which corresponds to
decimal values from 192-223. With a Class C address, only the last octet is
used for host addresses, which limits each network to a maximum of 254 hosts
per network. Since there are 21 bits available for unique network numbers
(three bits are already preset to 110), there are 2,097,151 possible
Class D
Class D addresses have a bit
pattern that begins with 1110. This translates into octet values from 224-239.
These addresses are not used for standard IP addresses. Instead, a Class D
address refers to a group of hosts, who are registered as members of a multicast group. A multicast group is
similar to an e-mail distribution list. Just as you can address a message to a
group of individuals using a distribution list name, you can send data to a
group of hosts by using a multicast address. Multicasting requires special
routing configuration; it is not forwarded by default.
Class E
If the first four bits of the
first octet are 1111, the address is a Class E address. These are addresses
that start with 240-254. This class of address is not used for conventional IP
addresses. This address class is sometimes referred to as the experimental or
research class.
The bulk of our discussion will focus on
address Classes A, B, and C, since these are the classes used for routine IP
addressing. Table 3-1 summarizes the characteristics of address classes.
Address Class
Pattern in the first octet
Range of
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E
Table 1 IP
Address Ranges, Classes, and Bit Patterns
An IP address cannot exist
without an associated subnet mask. The subnet mask defines how many of the 32
bits that make up an IP address are used to define the network or the network
and associated subnets. The binary bits in the subnet mask form a filter that
only passes that portion of the IP address that should be interpreted as the
network address. The process by which this is done is called bitwise ANDing. Bitwise ANDing is a
logical operation performed on each bit in the address, and the corresponding
mask bit. The results of the AND operation is as follows:
1 and 1 = 1
1 and 0 = 0
0 and 0 = 0
So the only time this operation yields a 1
value is when both input values are a 1.
On a single network, the amount
of traffic is proportional to the number of hosts, and the sum of the traffic
generated by each host. As the network increases in size, this traffic may
reach a level that overwhelms the capacity of the media, and network
performance starts to suffer. In a wide-area network, reducing unnecessary
traffic on the WAN links is also a major issue.
In looking at such problems, it
is typical to discover that groups of hosts tend to communicate routinely with
each other, and communicate less frequently outside their group. These groupings
may be dictated by common usage patterns of network resources, or may be
imposed by geographic distances that necessitate slow WAN links between LANs.
By using subnets, we can segment the network, thus isolating the groups'
traffic from each other. To communicate between these segments, a means must be
provided to forward traffic from one segment to another.
One solution to this problem is
to isolate the network segments using a bridge between them. A bridge will
learn which addresses reside on each side of itself by looking at the MAC
address, and will only forward packets that need to cross network segments.
This is a quick and relatively inexpensive solution, but lacks flexibility. For
example, a bridge would get confused if it found that it could reach a given
address on either side of itself. This makes it generally impossible to build
redundant pathways using bridges. Bridges also pass broadcasts.
A more robust solution is to use
routers that direct traffic between networks, by using tables that associate
network destinations with specific ports on the router. Each of these ports is
connected to the source network, the destination network, or some intermediate
network that leads to the ultimate destination. By using routers, we can define
multiple pathways for data, enhancing the fault tolerance and performance of
the network.
One solution to addressing in a
routed network might be to simply give each network segment a different network
address. This would work in an isolated network, but would not be desirable if
the network were connected to the outside world. To connect to the Internet, we
must have a unique network address, which must be assigned by a regulating
agency. These network addresses are in great demand, and in scarce supply. We
also increase the complexity of routing data from the public network to our
internal networks if we don't have a common point of entry via a single network
To gain the economy and
simplicity of a single network address, yet provide the capability to
internally segment and route our network, we use subnetting. From the
standpoint of external routers, our network would then appear as a single
entity. Internally, however, we can still provide segmentation through subnets,
and use internal routers to direct and isolate traffic between subnets. The
following section will discuss the role of the subnet mask in defining subnets.
In choosing a subnet, the chief
consideration is how many subnets we will need to support. The challenge, of
course, is balancing the number of subnets with the maximum number of hosts per
subnet. There are only 32 bits available for network, subnet and host portions
of the address. If we choose a subnet mask that offers more subnets that we
need, this will reduce the potential hosts we can support.
The other consideration in
choosing the mask is to remember the restriction on subnet values that are all
zeros, or all ones. This most often causes problems with a number like 31
subnets. While this is less than the 32 combinations we could achieve with five
subnet bits, it would represent an illegal bit combination, since it would be
all ones. We must therefore use six bits, which yields up to 62 available
Part of RFC 791 standard established the
address classes and classful addressing. Implied in classful addressing is the
assumption that we know what the default subnet mask is based on the first
octet of the address. However, prior to RFC 791, an earlier RFC (760) had
proposed an IP address format that was not class-based. Address classes were
considered a good idea in 1982, since the class assumptions eliminated having
to send masking information with an IP address, but since we are now running
out of registered IP addresses, the classes have become a serious problem.
The only available addresses that
have not been assigned are the Class C addresses. Since a Class C network can
only support 254 hosts, large organizations wishing to have a registered address
may request multiple contiguous Class C addresses, and integrate them into a
single entity using a process called supernetting. It is also sometimes
referred to as classless interdomain routing (CIDR).
What supernetting does is to
remove bits from the default mask, starting at the rightmost bits and working
to the left.
IP: The Next Generation
IP addressing is at a crossroads.
The explosive growth of the Internet has caused a crisis with existing IP
address formats. The only registered IP addresses that can be obtained right
now are Class C addresses. As we have learned, these have severe limitations in
terms of the maximum number of hosts supported, which has led to creative
approaches such as supernetting.
The longer-term solution is to
revamp the whole specification for IP addressing. The proposed solution is
called IP version 6 or Ipv6 for short. The format for version 6 IP addresses
will move from the present 32-bit address to an address format of 128 bits.
This will be represented as 32 hexadecimal digits, expressed as shown in this
example: A923.FF23.BA56.34F3.
Unfortunately, this address
format is not compatible with existing IP addresses. Ipv6 will probably be
implemented first with external IP addresses on the Internet, which would then
be routed through gateways to internal networks that continue to use the
existing 32-bit address format
Host name to address mapping is a
process that allows user-friendly names for network hosts, rather than having
to specify them by their IP address. When we use these types of names, some
method must be provided to convert from the names to the actual IP addresses.
This would typically involve using a mapping file or table, and/or a server
called a Domain Name Service (DNS) server.
When an address has been resolved
from a host name, a router keeps that information in a local cache. This way it
can avoid re-submitting the resolution request to the DNS server again later.
FIGURE: Four-layered TCP/IP model
protocol model structure
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